If you are trying to conceive, you have probably been bombarded with information on what to do, and when to do it. However, there are some simple things that should be implemented that will truly help you conceive. These include understanding your ovulation cycle, monitoring your diet and thinking, and getting off birth control. And finally knowing when to seek out help from a medical professional.
1. Charting
When you’re trying to get pregnant, it is very important that you learn your cycle and when you ovulate. This will enhance your chances of conceiving successfully since you will know the optimal time to have sex in order to get pregnant.
It is suggested however to have frequent sex throughout the cycle as to not miss any window of time to get pregnant.
If you are charting your cycles to determine ovulation it is helpful to also purchase an ovulation predictor kit. An ovulation predictor kit measures the hormones in your body and lets you know when you will be ovulating.
Conceiving Naturally?
There is a lot that goes into getting pregnant naturally. Sometimes it doesn’t just happen. If you are considering conceiving, the first thing to do is to have a plan. This doesn’t just include charting your cycles or knowing the best time to have sex. You will want to monitor what goes inside your body and practice some good fertility techniques. When doing research for this site, I ran into an awesome website by Lisa Olsen, who shares her story of getting pregnant with her 2 healthy children naturally. You can find her website here, Pregnancy Miracle.
2. Ovulation Predictor Kits
This can be especially helpful if you are new to charting and/or want a backup method in case you feel like you have charted wrong. There are many ovulation predictor kits out on the market today, however you should be choose an ovulation predictor kit that is FDA approved. Also you should choose one that is right for you, as you may have different results with different kits, so it may be a method of trial and error until you find the one that is right for you.
3. Foods to Avoid
There are also certain foods that you should avoid to increase your chances of conceiving. Refined carbohydrates, which include white flour, white rice, white bread, white pasta should be avoided as they can cause a spike in insulin and blood sugar levels. This can cause hormonal imbalance, and is especially not good for women who are experiencing PCOS.
Foods that are highly processed and contain a lot of sugars should also be avoided as they are devoid of the nutrients that are necessary for maintaining fertility and encouraging pregnancy.
Beverages such as alcohol and caffeine should also be eliminated from the diet as these beverages can constrict the blood vessels within the uterus, causing implantation issues, as well as cutting chances of conception into half.
4. Thought Processes
Your thinking also has an impact on the chances of conceiving. It should be noted that having negative thoughts when trying to conceive can affect fertility and conception. This is commonly known as the mind-body connection. If you are feeling sad, depressed or stressed out about trying to conceive, there is a tendency to be less able to get pregnant because of it.
Positive visualizations of being pregnant, as well as maintaining positive thoughts of being able to conceive increase the likelihood of being able to conceive.
5. Birth Control
Eliminating birth control is also important when trying to conceive. Some women do fall pregnant immediately after eliminating birth control; but for others it takes some time for their cycles to become regulated again after being on birth control.
It is generally a good idea to stop the birth control as soon as you decide you want to conceive. Some birth control takes from two weeks up to eighteen months of being off of it for the body to normalize again.
How long it takes to get pregnant depends on a variety of factors, such as if you are taking advantage of having sex regularly especially during ovulation, your age, and overall health.
For most couples it can take up to one year of trying. However if it is taking longer than a year, then you should visit your health care provider.
If you want to learn natural methods to conceive easily, I recommend reading through Lisa Olsen’s website, Pregnancy Miracle.